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Courtesy of Discovery Semiconductors Inc
High Power Balanced Photodiodes to 5 GHz Bandwidth

High Power Balanced Photodiodes to 5 GHz Bandwidth

The DSC705 is a balanced InGaAs photodiode in “push-pull” configuration with each photodiode capable of handling high optical power up to +17 dBm. High Common Mode...
Courtesy of Discovery Semiconductors
Discovery Semiconductors xHLPD

Thermo-Electrically Cooled Extra Highly Linear Photodiode (xHLPD)

The xHLPD photodiode modules are designed for high power operation up to 10 GHz bandwidth and can deliver up to 4 V peak-to-peak (+16 dBm CW) RF output power. The photodiode is...
Image provided by Discovery Semiconductors
High Speed Uncooled 2.2 micron SWIR InGaAs Photodiodes to 20 GHz

High Speed Uncooled 2.2 micron SWIR InGaAs Photodiodes to 20 GHz

The 2.2um cutoff, uncooled, InGaAs high speed photodiodes are hermetically sealed, fiber pigtailed, and designed for high optical power applications with minimum bandwidths of...

Discovery Semiconductors Introduces New, Extended InGaAs Photodiodes and Photoreceivers for Space Qualified Applications

Discovery Semiconductors Inc., a leading supplier of optical receivers, test instruments and sub-systems, has introduced several new products using its Extended InGaAs Photodiode...
Fig1: DSC-R421 Lab Buddy instrument.

Linear InGaAs Optical Receiver Lab Buddy with Automatic Gain Control up to 56 Gbaud

The DSC-R421 is a linear PIN + transimpedance amplifier that is primarily designed for 4-level Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM 4) and NRZ-ASK (PAM 2) modulation formats up to ...
Military Aerospace Gold Honoree

Discovery Semiconductors’ Honored by 2021 Military and Aerospace Electronics Innovators Awards

Discovery Semiconductors’ (DSC) an innovator in manufacturing high reliability, space qualified, optical receivers announced today that its Space Qualified, Short Wave Infrared...
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Extended InGaAs 2 Micron Photodiodes with High Current Handling Find Multiple Applications for Characterizing Ultra-Fast Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers

Discovery Semiconductors high speed, extended InGaAs 2 micron photodiodes are increasingly being used for characterizing ultra-fast, mode-locked fiber laser at multiple wavelengths...
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Balanced Detector App Note

We have developed 10, 20, 30, and 40 Gb bandwidth balanced photoreceivers which have applications for both analog and digital fiber optic communications. The devices can operate...
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High-Power Highly Linear Photodiodes for High Dynamic Range

High power, highly linear photodiodes enhance the overall dynamic range of LADAR systems in two ways: faithfully transferring optical return signal into RF domain with high coherent...
Typical Saturation Current of Individual Photodiodes in DSC705

High Optical Power Handling Balanced Photodiodes to 5 GHz Bandwidth for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

New Product Announcement: High Optical Power Handling Balanced Photodiodes to 5 GHz Bandwidth for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Discovery Semiconductors, an industry leader ...
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Configurable Lab Buddy

"Over a million combinations to choose from!"
DSC2-100S available package options

High Optical Power, Highly Linear 2.2 Micron InGaAs Photodiodes

The 2.2 micron cutoff, uncooled, InGaAs high speed Photodiodes are hermetically sealed, fiber pigtailed, and designed for high optical power applications with bandwidth up to ...
Typical 1 dB Compression Photocurrent of DSC2-100S Extended InGaAs Photodiode.

High Optical Power Handling, Highly Linear InGaAs Photodiodes

Discovery Semiconductors introduces 50 mA and higher current handling, extended InGaAs photodiodes for burgeoning applications at 1.2 to 2.2 micron wavelengths.As high power fiber...
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Highly Linear, High Power Handling Photodiode for RF Photonic Links

We report a highly linear, high power handling InGaAs photodiode having a third order harmonic output intercept point of +53.7 dBm and an estimated OIP3 of +48.9 dBm up to 40 ...
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Rad-hard, Ultra-fast, InGaAs Photodiodes for Space Applications

We have manufactured rad-hard, InGaAs photodiodes using our proprietary Dual Depletion Region (DDR) technology with bandwidths exceeding 10 GHz. The devices demonstrate high reliability...
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High Optical Power Handling Photodiodes to 20 GHz

These high speed, low harmonic distortion, and high current handling photodiode modules are designed for high optical power applications with minimum bandwidths of 10, 14 and ...
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Discovery Semiconductors InGaAs Photodiode Modules Return to Earth After 18 Months on the International Space Station

Discovery Semiconductors High Speed InGaAs Photodiode and Balanced Photodiodes returned to Earth after 18 months on the International Space Station (ISS). They were part of the...

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