Offers volume production of innovative photonic components for optical communication networks. Tranceivers, emitter and detector components are available in many standard connectorized and fiber pigtailed configurations.
PD-LD Inc. offers laser diode based fiber optic transceiver modules in industry standard 1x9 style packages designed to operate at 155 Mbps, 622Mbps, or 1.25 Gbps data rate.
PD-LD’s Silicon Photodiodes & Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) are available with active areas ranging from 230µm to 3.0mm covering the spectral range of 400 – 1100nm.
The LuxxMaster™ LML series Raman Boxx™ packages PD-LD’s award winning LuxxMaster™ Volume Bragg Grating® (VBG®) in a rugged box ideally suited for Raman spectroscopy and other ...
The LuxxMaster™ LML series Compact Raman Boxx™ packages PD-LD’s award-winning LuxxMaster™ laser source stabilized by Volume Bragg Grating® (VBG®) in a rugged box ideally suited...
A true HeNe alternative; the SLM-632.8 single longitudinal laser diode module delivers up to 50mW of 632nm power from one compact box. Fully stabilized performance, the SLM-632...
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