Discovery Semiconductors Inc

Ewing, NJ 08628


About Discovery Semiconductors Inc

Discovery Semiconductors is an industry leader in manufacturing ultrafast, high optical power handling InGaAs photodetectors, RF over fiber optical receivers, balanced optical receivers, extended wavelength photodetectors, and several custom products.

Product Summary

Leads the market with high-technology products for 10, 25, 40, and 100 Gb applications. Discovery's instrumentation and systems include the Lab Buddy and Optical Coherent Receiver System.


119 Silvia St
Ewing, NJ 08628
United States of America

More Info on Discovery Semiconductors Inc

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Discovery Semiconductors, Inc. is an industry leader in manufacturing ultrafast, high optical power handling InGaAs photodetectors, RF over fiber optical receivers, balanced optical receivers, extended wavelength photodetectors, and several custom products for applications ranging from analog RF links to ultrafast digital communications. Discovery began in 1993 and has grown into a global enterprise by leading the market with high-technology products for 10, 40, and 100 Gb applications. Discovery's instrumentation and systems include the Lab Buddy and Optical Coherent Receiver System.

Research, Development & Manufacturing

Discovery Semiconductors is a company with a worldwide reputation for innovation and expertise in the design and manufacturing of high speed InGaAs Photodiodes and Optical Receivers and Coherent Systems. Discovery is a leader in the application of high technology concepts in the design and development of new products for ultra-wide bandwidth applications in the telecom and aerospace industries. Manufacturing for Discovery's product line is done in the state-of-the-art clean room in Ewing, NJ.

Corporate Responsibility

Discovery Semiconductors is committed to protecting the environment by reducing the present and future environmental impact of its business operations. To maintain this commitment, Discovery has an ISO 14001:2015 certified environmental management system.

Discovery Semiconductors made a strategic decision to pursue and maintain certification to the International Standard ISO 9001:2015 for its quality management system.

Our philosophy is "Continuous Innovation with Courteous Customer Service and Zero Tolerance for Failure".

Facts and Figures 

Discovery Semiconductors is privately owned and fiscally conservative.

Business activities in over 40 countries.

1000+ clients including Fortune 500 telecom, datacom, and aerospace companies, as well as defense organizations, universities, and emerging communication companies

Awards and Recognitions

2007 PhAST/Laser Focus World Innovation Award Honorable Mention for Kitty Hawk Ultra-Fast Optical Coherent Receiver System.

Discovery has been recognized as one of the fastest 50 growing high-tech companies in New Jersey for three straight years, 2000 through 2002.

2001 National Tibbetts Awardfor Outstanding Contributions to the SBIR Program.

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Courtesy of Discovery Semiconductors Inc
Lab Buddy

Lab Buddy: The Most Versatile O/E Converter

The Lab Buddy is the best friend you'll ever have! Enhancing optical front-ends was never easier. The ability to incorporate any of our 30+ devices into the Lab Buddy makes it...
Courtesy of Discovery Semiconductors Inc
DSC-R417 Q/V Band Amplifier
Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

Q/V Band Amplifier from 35 GHz to 70 GHz

The DSC-R417 is a RF Amplifier that offers moderate to high gain over Q and V band ranges (35 GHz to 70 GHz). It is a general purpose, small footprint, RF amplifier. The amplifier...
Courtesy of Discovery Semiconductors Inc
High Power Balanced Photodiodes to 5 GHz Bandwidth

High Power Balanced Photodiodes to 5 GHz Bandwidth

The DSC705 is a balanced InGaAs photodiode in “push-pull” configuration with each photodiode capable of handling high optical power up to +17 dBm. High Common Mode...
Courtesy of Discovery Semiconductors
Discovery Semiconductors xHLPD

Thermo-Electrically Cooled Extra Highly Linear Photodiode (xHLPD)

The xHLPD photodiode modules are designed for high power operation up to 10 GHz bandwidth and can deliver up to 4 V peak-to-peak (+16 dBm CW) RF output power. The photodiode is...
Image provided by Discovery Semiconductors
DP-QPSK 100 Gb/400 Gb Coherent Optical Receiver Lab Buddy

DP-QPSK 100 Gbps/400 Gbps Coherent Receiver Lab Buddy

The DSC-R413 is an O/E instrument designed to convert DP-QPSK optical data to differential electrical signals. The R413 offers several user-adjustable characteristics such as ...
Courtesy of Discovery Semiconductors Inc
Standard Lab Buddy

2 Micron SWIR InGaAs Optical Receiver to 6 GHz

A low-noise, 20 dB gain photoreceiver for wavelengths from 1.2 to 2.2 um up to 6 GHz bandwidth for LIDAR or eye safe free space applications. Compact pigtailed microwave package...
Image provided by Discovery Semiconductors
High Speed Uncooled 2.2 micron SWIR InGaAs Photodiodes to 20 GHz

High Speed Uncooled 2.2 micron SWIR InGaAs Photodiodes to 20 GHz

The 2.2um cutoff, uncooled, InGaAs high speed photodiodes are hermetically sealed, fiber pigtailed, and designed for high optical power applications with minimum bandwidths of...

2 Micron SWIR InGaAs Balanced Photoreceiver with 150 MHz Bandwidth

A low-noise, 20 dB gain balanced photoreceiver for wavelengths from 1.2 to 2.2 micron with over 150 MHz bandwidth for LIDAR or eye-safe free-space applications. The R205M consists...

25G Clock and Data Recovery (CDR) Lab Buddy

The Discovery Semiconductors Inc. reference-free 1:1 Clock & Data Recovery (CDR) unit, included in the Lab Buddy, conveniently interfaces with the Bit Error Rate (BER) test...
Fig1: DSC-R421 Lab Buddy instrument.

Linear InGaAs Optical Receiver Lab Buddy with Automatic Gain Control up to 56 Gbaud

The DSC-R421 is a linear PIN + transimpedance amplifier that is primarily designed for 4-level Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM 4) and NRZ-ASK (PAM 2) modulation formats up to ...

Press Releases


Discovery Semiconductors Introduces New, Extended InGaAs Photodiodes and Photoreceivers for Space Qualified Applications

Discovery Semiconductors Inc., a leading supplier of optical receivers, test instruments and sub-systems, has introduced several new products using its Extended InGaAs Photodiode...
Military Aerospace Gold Honoree

Discovery Semiconductors’ Honored by 2021 Military and Aerospace Electronics Innovators Awards

Discovery Semiconductors’ (DSC) an innovator in manufacturing high reliability, space qualified, optical receivers announced today that its Space Qualified, Short Wave Infrared...
Silver Honoree 2020

Discovery Semiconductors’ Honored by 2020 Military and Aerospace Electronics Innovators Awards

Discovery Semiconductors’ (DSC) an innovator in manufacturing high reliability, space qualified, optical receivers announced today that its Space Qualified InGaAs Quad PD + TIA...


Dis Semi Tn 5fa1c4447489f

Space Qualified inGaAs Quad PD + TIA Photoreceivers

The Space Qualified InGaAs Quad PD + TIA Photoreceivers from Discovery Semiconductors Inc. offers a large active area diameter; small photodiode capacitance; small crosstalk between...


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28 Gbaud PAM4 Real Time Optical Datacom Link up to 10 km

We present a forward error correction (FEC)-assisted, 10 km long, 28 Gbaud PAM4 optical link having error free performance over a wide dynamic range of -10 dBm to 0 dBm received...
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Balanced Detector App Note

We have developed 10, 20, 30, and 40 Gb bandwidth balanced photoreceivers which have applications for both analog and digital fiber optic communications. The devices can operate...
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Single and Dual Polarization InGaAs Optical Coherent Receivers

We have manufactured single as well as dual polarization optical coherent receivers that comprise of InGaAs balanced receivers and an optical hybrid. The bandwidth of InGaAs balanced...

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Additional content from Discovery Semiconductors Inc

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SWIR InGaAs Photoreceivers for Space

Choose from 20+ different products for your Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) missions to LEO, GEO, Moon, Mars, and beyond, for applications such as Sensing, Optical Communications, RF...
Shared User Pra9b532dbfa6c4f58be71f2b90cc24570

InGaAs Narrowband Receivers for 5G

Designed for microwave RF over fiber applications and emerging applications, such as 5G, these high-gain fiber-pigtailed modules are designed to support 28, 39 and 60 GHz applications...
Shared User Prf7ddba9598e6423c873b3a6efaafed57

Extended InGaAs 2 Micron Photodiodes with High Current Handling Find Multiple Applications for Characterizing Ultra-Fast Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers

Discovery Semiconductors high speed, extended InGaAs 2 micron photodiodes are increasingly being used for characterizing ultra-fast, mode-locked fiber laser at multiple wavelengths...
Shared User Pra68fe170817548feacb9a2eb65327ac5

10G Clock and Data Recovery (CDR) Lab Buddy

The Discovery Semiconductors Inc. 1:1 Clock & Data Recovery (CDR) unit, included in the Lab Buddy, conveniently interfaces with the Bit Error Rate (BER) test equipment and provides...
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High-Power Highly Linear Photodiodes for High Dynamic Range

High power, highly linear photodiodes enhance the overall dynamic range of LADAR systems in two ways: faithfully transferring optical return signal into RF domain with high coherent...
Shared User Usr12e061116fbd40bb926f63f9609a0352 Lw

Discovery Semiconductors Introduces 25G to 28G Clock and Data Recovery (CDR) Lab Buddy for Test and Measurement Applications

Discovery Semiconductors introduces 25G clock and data recovery (CDR) Lab Buddy for test and measurement applications. Discovery's reference-free 1:1 CDR Lab Buddy, conveniently...
Typical Saturation Current of Individual Photodiodes in DSC705

High Optical Power Handling Balanced Photodiodes to 5 GHz Bandwidth for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

New Product Announcement: High Optical Power Handling Balanced Photodiodes to 5 GHz Bandwidth for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Discovery Semiconductors, an industry leader ...
Shared User Pr9ae37c2c2c2340a58da9f346f66ba94c

Configurable Lab Buddy

"Over a million combinations to choose from!"
Linearity plot of DSC-R418.

28 Gbaud Linear InGaAs Optical Receiver with Adjustable Gain for PAM-4

Ewing, NJ USADiscovery Semiconductors introduces a linear PIN + transimpedance amplifier with user-adjustable gain and is primarily designed for 25 to 28 Gbaud / 50 to 56 Gbps...
DSC-R418 Lab Buddy instrument

Linear InGaAs Optical Receiver with Adjustable Gain up to 28 Gbaud

The DSC-R418 is a linear PIN + trans-impedance amplifier with user-adjustable gain and is primarily designed for 25 to 28 Gbaud / 50 to 56 Gbps 4 level Pulse Amplitude Modulation...
DSC2-100S available package options

High Optical Power, Highly Linear 2.2 Micron InGaAs Photodiodes

The 2.2 micron cutoff, uncooled, InGaAs high speed Photodiodes are hermetically sealed, fiber pigtailed, and designed for high optical power applications with bandwidth up to ...
Shared User Pr43566c5b12324ab3b2411d359695614d

Multimode Optical Receivers for Space-to-Ground Laser Communication

Discovery Semiconductors' pioneering multimode optical receivers up to 10 Gb/s are getting increasingly used for Space-to-Ground Laser Communication Links by Tesat Spacecom, of...
Typical 1 dB Compression Photocurrent of DSC2-100S Extended InGaAs Photodiode.

High Optical Power Handling, Highly Linear InGaAs Photodiodes

Discovery Semiconductors introduces 50 mA and higher current handling, extended InGaAs photodiodes for burgeoning applications at 1.2 to 2.2 micron wavelengths.As high power fiber...
Shared User Pra4b6e5550ca148e78a73a0ea678fd1b8

40G DPSK DQPSK Balanced Optical Receivers

The DSC-R410 balanced receiver product family is ideally suited for a variety of applications up to 44 Gb/s such as DPSK, DQPSK and Dual-Polarization DPSK. The R410 is available...
Shared User Prbd11ac0401cf4bab826c3da9f5aeb28e

10 Gb/s InGaAs High-Sensitivity Limiting Optical Receiver

The DSC-R603 is a high-gain PIN + Transimpedance + Limiting amplifier ideally suited for digital applications up to 13 Gb/s. The R603 offers extremely high differential conversion...
Tesat T-AOGS at the astronomical site in Teneriffe, Spain

Discovery Semiconductors’ Multimode Optical Receivers Enable Space to Ground Laser Communication Links

Discovery Semiconductors’ pioneering multimode optical receivers up to 10 Gb/s are getting increasingly used for Space-to-Ground Laser Communication Links by Tesat Spacecom1, ...
Shared User Usr1a60db26281a478bb62f24f31c3376be Lw

Discovery Semiconductors’ Versatile Limiting Optical Receivers Ideal for Datacom Transmission Experiments

Discovery Semiconductors’ versatile PIN + TIA + Limiting optical receiver (DSC-R603) is ideally suited for Datacom applications up to 12.5Gb/s. It has an adjustable decision threshold...
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Discovery Semiconductors Introduces an Easy-to-Use, Linear Balanced Receiver Instrument with Remote Commant and Control Software

Discovery Semiconductors introduces to the marketplace the first easy-to-use, linear balanced receiver instrument with remote command and control software. Discovery’s software...
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Discovery Semiconductors' Linear, Balanced Receiver, with Automatic Gain Control (AGC) Mode, is an Enabling Technology for New Applications that Exhibit the "WOW Factor!"

From time to time our customers share with us applications which they have developed using the diverse, Discovery Semiconductors’ product line. When we first read “Observing microscopic...
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A New, Simpler Path to 100G/400G Short Reach Applications

As a new, simpler path to 100G and 400G short reach applications, Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) is emerging as a popular choice. The ability to sort out the signal in the electrical...
Shared User Prcc0b285cc1b548c48035d35328792a5f
Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

Wideband Limiting Differential Amplifier from 30 kHz to 20 GHz

The DSC-R416 Wideband Limiting Differential Amplifier can operate up to 20 GHz, either single ended or differential, with a 30 kHz low frequency cutoff. This easy-to-use amplifier...
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Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

Discovery Semiconductors Expands its RF Amplifier Product Line

Discovery Semiconductors expands its RF amplifier product line by adding a Wideband Linear Differential Amplifier and a Wideband Limiting Differential Amplifier up to bandwidths...
Shared User Pr7de9e6924e3f4452ace3111c66186d79
Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

Wideband Linear Differential Amplifier from 30 kHz to 20 GHz with Adjustable Gain and Bandwidth

The Wideband Linear Differential Amplifier features adjustable gain and bandwidth and has a frequency range of 30 kHz - 20 GHz. This multi-functional differential amplifier is...
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Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

Discovery Semiconductors Introduces Wideband RF Amplifier from 30 kHz to 45 GHz

Discovery Semiconductors introduces a general purpose Wideband RF Amplifier from 30 kHz to 45 GHz. An optional integrated bias tee is available for setting and controlling the...
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Discovery Semiconductors New Product Announcement - 2.2 um SWIR InGaAs Linear AGC Balanced Optical Receiver to 18 GHz

Discovery Semiconductors is pleased to introduce a 2.2 um balanced receiver with adjustable gain and bandwidth up to 18 GHz. This new device, with longer wavelength response of...
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Go Further with Discovery Semiconductors' Photoreceiver + CDR Lab Buddy Instrumentation for 10G and 25G

Discovery Semiconductors offers a variety of photoreciever options, including PIN, APD, and balanced, integrated with a CDR for 10G and 25G applications. These Lab Buddy instruments...
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Discovery Semiconductors Modulation Format Flexibility is the Key for Successful Coherent Research

Discovery Semiconductors Coherent Receiver Lab Buddy has been designed with laboratory convenience and modulation format flexibility in mind. DP-16QAM, DP-QPSK, Intradyne, Homodyne...
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Highly Linear, High Power Handling Photodiode for RF Photonic Links

We report a highly linear, high power handling InGaAs photodiode having a third order harmonic output intercept point of +53.7 dBm and an estimated OIP3 of +48.9 dBm up to 40 ...
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Discovery Semiconductors New Product Announcement - DP-QPSK 40/100 Gb Coherent Receiver Lab Buddy

Discovery Semiconductors' Coherent Receiver Lab Buddy includes four well-matched Linear Balanced PIN/TIA Photoreceivers integrated with a Dual-Polarization 90° Optical Hybrid ...
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Balanced Photoreceivers for Analog and Digital Fiber Optic Communications

We have developed 10, 20, 30, and 40 Gb bandwidth balanced photoreceivers which have applications for both analog and digital fiber optic communications. The devices can operate...
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Rad-hard, Ultra-fast, InGaAs Photodiodes for Space Applications

We have manufactured rad-hard, InGaAs photodiodes using our proprietary Dual Depletion Region (DDR) technology with bandwidths exceeding 10 GHz. The devices demonstrate high reliability...
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Low-Noise Large-Area Quad Photoreceivers Based on Low-Capacitance Quad InGaAs Photodiodes

We report a large-area quad photoreceiver (2x2 array) having an equivalent input current noise density of< 3.2 pA/Hz per quadrant up to a 3-dB bandwidth of approximately 20 MHz...
Shared User Prd2b81dcb07f2475c97e343a124e79aaa

High Optical Power Handling Photodiodes to 20 GHz

These high speed, low harmonic distortion, and high current handling photodiode modules are designed for high optical power applications with minimum bandwidths of 10, 14 and ...
Shared User Pr937caa2588124d19874dabca2c28ab7c

Ultra-fast InGaAs PIN Diodes to 60 GHz

Ultra-fast InGaAs PIN photodiodes in fiber coupled, hermetically sealed packages
Shared User Pr321762612af14a0da4e7b122ebd71eca

High Optical Power Handling Highly Linear Photodiode (HLPD®) Lab Buddy to 22 GHz

The HLPD® Lab Buddy is a stand-alone remotely accessible instrument for O/E applications. It incorporates Discovery Semiconductor's state-of-the-art highly linear photodiode with...
Shared User Pr06cd4c38ee224dd993f82fe8c0a363d4

40 Gb/s Linear PIN + TIA Optical Receiver / 25 Gbaud Linear PIN + TIA + CDR Optical Receiver

The DSC-R409 is a linear PIN + transimpedance amplifier with well-controlled frequency response yielding excellent system-level performance, and is used in both singlemode & multimode...
Shared User Pr7eda505533864c64968306d80af09cc7

Linear AGC Balanced Receiver with 20 GHz Bandwidth

The linear AGC balanced receiver is ideally suited for 40G/100G Coherent applications. In addition to its automatic gain control (AGC), the adjustable gain can be manually controlled...
Shared User Pr00dd324a9e0448bcaa5dc8058b9bb595

10 Gb/s APD + TIA + CDR Optical Receiver

Ideal for adding extra distance to 10 Gb communications links, this optical receiver combines the high responsivity of an InGaAs APD with a low-noise amplifier that offers 20 ...
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Discovery Semiconductors, Inc. Introduces 10 Gb/s InGaAs APD + TIA + CDR Lab Buddy Instrument

Discovery Semiconductors, a leading supplier and innovator of optical receivers, introduces 10 Gb/s InGaAs APD + TIA + CDR Lab Buddy instrument for SONET, Ethernet, PON, and Fiber...
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Discovery Semiconductors, Inc. Adds Gennum Corporation's 25G CDR to its 25Gbaud Lab Buddy Product Line

Discovery Semiconductors, Inc. a leading supplier and innovator of optical receivers, test instruments, and sub-systems has integrated Gennum Corporation’s 25G CDR to its 25Gbaud...
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Discovery Semiconductors InGaAs Photodiode Modules Return to Earth After 18 Months on the International Space Station

Discovery Semiconductors High Speed InGaAs Photodiode and Balanced Photodiodes returned to Earth after 18 months on the International Space Station (ISS). They were part of the...
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Discovery Semiconductors Manufactures a Balanced Receiver to Meet Every Application

Discovery Semiconductors, a leading supplier and innovator of optical receivers, manufactures eleven different balanced receivers to meet every potential application. Discovery...