Keysight Technologies M8195A 65 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator
The M8195A is a 65-GSa/s, 20-GHz arbitrary waveform generator (AWG), which can be used to generate digital, multilevel (PAM4, MIPI, and C-PHY) signal scenarios and test optical and electrical links with modulated signals up to 32 GBaud and beyond. The solution is applicable for optical and electrical communication, advanced research, digital applications, and wideband radar and satellite communications. It can accommodate 100G+ coherent optical transmission systems and subsystems' need for clean modulated signals and distorted test signals. Specifically, the M8195A can create the signals needed for dual-polarization digital coherent transmission, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing, and time-domain pulse shaping. Linear and non-linear impairments can be added to the signal.
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