Teledyne LeCroy offers 45-GHz optical modulation analyzer

March 22, 2013
Teledyne LeCroy, with the help of Coherent Solutions (formerly Southern Photonics) used OFC/NFOEC this week to unveil the OMA 10-36Zi System, a 45-GHz optical modulation analyzer (OMA) that the company asserts offers the highest real-time bandwidth on the market. The bandwidth enables the system to support testing of DP-QPSK and DP-16-QAM optical signals at speeds up to 85 GBaud.

Teledyne LeCroy, with the help of Coherent Solutions (formerly Southern Photonics) used OFC/NFOEC this week to unveil the OMA 10-36Zi System, a 45-GHz optical modulation analyzer (OMA) that the company asserts offers the highest real-time bandwidth on the market. The bandwidth enables the system to support testing of DP-QPSK and DP-16-QAM optical signals at speeds up to 85 GBaud.

The OMA comprises an IQ-RT45 Coherent Optical Receiver rated to 45 GHz and developed by Coherent Solutions, a LabMaster 10 Zi oscilloscope with available bandwidths up to 65 GHz, and proprietary optical modulation analysis software. The OMA also has a dynamic calibration capability that enables technicians to disconnect the LabMaster 10 Zi from the IQ-RT45 Coherent Optical Receiver and use it for other electrical validation and testing without requiring a factory re-calibration. This enables dual use of the oscilloscope for serial data eye diagram, jitter, noise, and crosstalk analysis on NRZ electrical tributaries using Teledyne LeCroy's SDAIII-CompleteLinQ software package.

"The LabMaster 10 Zi real-time oscilloscopes support bandwidths up to 65 GHz and our proprietary ChannelSync architecture. This system provides the ideal platform for optical communications signal analysis," states Ken Johnson, director of marketing at Teledyne LeCroy. "ChannelSync provides superior channel-to-channel phase accuracy at the highest bandwidths. The seamless integration of Coherent Solutions' leading-edge coherent optical receiver with the LabMaster 10 Zi oscilloscopes delivers an OMA system that sets a new standard for capability and ease-of-use."

Teledyne LeCroy expects the new OMA to be available in the second quarter of 2013. Field trials will begin after OFC/NFOEC.

For more information on lab test equipment and suppliers, visit the Lightwave Buyer’s Guide.

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