New Focus develops hybrid for Raman amplifiers

June 27, 2001
June 27, 2001--New Focus, Inc., a supplier of fiber-optic products for next generation optical networks under the Smart Optics for Networks brand, claims to have invented the industry's first hybrid device designed specifically for high-power Raman and erbium-doped fiber amplifiers.

New Focus, Inc. (Nasdaq: NUFO), a supplier of fiber-optic products for next generation optical networks under the Smart Optics for Networks brand, claims to have invented the industry's first hybrid device designed specifically for high-power Raman and erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs). Through a patent-pending design, the New Focus iPBC performs the dual functionality of a polarization beam combiner and an isolator while delivering almost twice the efficiency of conventional devices.

With this efficiency improvement, the new device enables designers to use fewer or lower power pump lasers resulting in more cost-effective networks with higher capacity and longer reach. The iPBC combines the power from two pump lasers while providing isolation from destabilizing back-reflected light. This combined functionality within a single device also saves network space and lowers manufacturing costs for system providers. Additionally, with its wide wavelength operating range, a single New Focus iPBC can accommodate a range of pump lasers, resulting in inventory cost reductions. The iPBC, like other New Focus passive components, is designed and tested for handling the high optical power levels required in advanced networks.

With the invention of this unique device, New Focus extends its position as a leading provider of high-performance passive components and expands its innovative line of components for Raman amplifiers and high-power EDFAs.

New Focus will be demonstrating the iPBC at booth #4805, July 9-11, at the 2001 National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC) in Baltimore, Maryland.

New Focus is actively sampling the iPBC device. New Focus is engaged with multiple customers for new designs.

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