Acacia Communications CFP2-DCO Module

March 3, 2017
Acacia's CFP2-DCO module is a pluggable transceiver that can be easily integrated into existing equipment. The module incorporates Acacia's low-power digital signal processor (DSP) ASIC based on 16-nm CMOS technology and offers 4X the faceplate capacity of a CFP-DCO module.
Acacia's CFP2-DCO module is a pluggable transceiver that can be easily integrated into existing equipment. The module incorporates Acacia's low-power digital signal processor (DSP) ASIC based on 16-nm CMOS technology and offers 4X the faceplate capacity of a CFP-DCO module.
The CFP2-DCO offers higher performance with 200-Gbps operation and approximately half the power consumption in 100-Gbps mode. This provides users such as cloud and service providers with the opportunity to gain market share and competitive advantage by quickly meeting the growing demand for high-bandwidth applications such as video content or streaming services. In addition, pluggable DCO modules enable interoperability.

Judge's comment: "Excellent product with unique and potentially disruptive technology. This product also transforms the metro fiber-optic transport layer competitive space, enabling WDM coherent interconnect by companies that have not been traditional WDM players."

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