Coherent: The Coherent 200-Gbps Electro-Absorption Modulated Laser
Feb. 7, 2023
Coherent’s 200-Gbps Electro-Absorption Modulated Laser (EML) enables next-generation transceiver modules for intra-data-center communication to use 200G/lambda optical transmission, opening the way to 800 Gbps up to 1.6Tbps, and possibly 3.2-Tbps data rates. The device consists of a phase-shifter DFB laser, a high-bandwidth electro-absorption modulator, and an optimized RF termination network monolithically integrated on an Indium Phosphide chip. The EML device is designed for use in low-cost non-hermetic packages. They provide superior signal integrity at 200G/lambda thanks to the wide intrinsic bandwidth of the modulator and the on-chip integrated RF termination, enabling cost-effective, high-performance module designs.
Judge’s Comment: “Products of this type are critical for the next generation of data center optical interconnect. 200 Gbps (100 Gbaud) is state-of-the-art for a commercial EML product. These should advance the availability and reduce cost of 800G and 1600G modules.”
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