NOVEMBER 25, 2008 -- The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) recently updated the TIA-568-C.3 Optical Fiber Cabling Components Standard.
TIA-568-C.3 is one of a set of four standards that constitute the TIA commercial building cabling suite, which is recognized as the industry benchmark for cabling performance and design. Revisions of the remaining two parts of this suite are expected in 2009.
TIA-568-C.3 specifies cable and component transmission performance requirements for premises optical fiber cabling. It is intended to be used by manufacturers, but the TIA says that users, designers, and installers may also find the standard useful.
Significant technical changes from the previous edition of TIA-568-C.3 include:
- incorporation of the performance specifications for 850-nm laser-optimized, 50/125-μm multimode optical fiber cables previously found in ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.3-1
- the provision of specifications for indoor-outdoor cable including minimum bend radius and maximum pulling tensions
- the inclusion of array connector specifications.
Copies of the document can be ordered via IHS International at +1.800.854.7179 (United States and Canada), +1.303.397.7796 (international), or at
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