Serial 850nm optical links exceed reach requirements for 10 Gig Ethernet networks

Sept. 18, 2001
Sept. 18, 2001--The 10 Gigabit Ethernet 10BASE S (850 nm) Group announced a successful multi-vendor testing of 10 Gbps short-wave optical links over greater than maximum required fiber lengths, while meeting bit error rate requirements.

The 10 Gigabit Ethernet 10BASE S (850 nm) Group announced a successful multi-vendor testing of 10 Gbps short-wave optical links over greater than maximum required fiber lengths, while meeting bit error rate requirements. Comprised of companies working independently to help develop technologies to support the emerging IEEE P802.3ae standard, the group has taken a step in proving the validity of 10 Gbps 850 nm links. These links are expected to enable cost effective, high volume, next-generation network solutions for metro and access applications.

The tests covered a complete set of optical fibers found in typical existing cable installations. Link distances ranged up to 450 meters, depending on fiber type. Used in the demonstration were 10 Gbps 850 nm optical components from Cielo Communications and Picolight Inc., and various multi-mode fibers from Corning Incorporated, Lucent Technologies and CDT/Optical Systems Division. The tests showed optical data links that met the bit error rate requirement of at least 1x10-12, which is less than one error for every trillion bits.

The demonstrated link consisted of data transmitted between Picolight and Cielo 10 Gbps 850 nm serial transponders over several types of multimode fiber including new enhanced bandwidth multimode fiber (EMMF). By achieving a 450-meter link, the Interoperability Group exceeded the criteria set by the 802.3ae specification by a 50 percent margin, demonstrating that the 850 nm optical link maintains integrity without degradation in performance. The 850 nm solution is expected to be one-half or one-tenth the cost of 1310 nm or 1550 nm devices, thus will provide customers with a more affordable option for short distance 10 Gbps links.

The specifications for 10 Gbps 850 nm operation are defined in the IEEE P802.3ae draft also known as the supplement to Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method & Physical Layer Specifications and Media Access Control (MAC) Parameters, Physical Layer, and Management Parameters for 10 Gbps Operation. This technological accomplishment is a milestone in ratifying the 802.3ae standard and will provide networking manufacturers with cost-effective, high-speed data links.

About Cielo Communications:

Cielo Communications provides research, development, manufacturing and deployment of VCSEL technology and optical packaging. For more information, visit

About Picolight, Inc.:

Picolight is a private, venture-backed company that designs and manufactures high-speed optoelectronic components and subsystems for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of networking equipment. For more information, visit

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