CoSine Communications selected by Fusion Communications to deliver secure IP services

Jan. 11, 2001
CoSine Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: COSN), announced that Japan's Fusion Communications Corp. has selected the CoSine IP Service Delivery Platform to deliver value-added, secure IP services across its nationwide fiber-optic network.

CoSine Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: COSN), announced that Japan's Fusion Communications Corp. has selected the CoSine IP Service Delivery Platform to deliver value-added, secure IP services across its nationwide fiber-optic network. Fusion, a next-generation carrier building Japan's IP-centric network, will deploy CoSine's platform to offer secure, business-class wholesale and retail services. These services include managed Network Associates Gauntlet Firewalls, network-based site-to-site and dial Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Network Address Translation (NAT) and tunnel termination.

As part of the multi-million-dollar deal, Fusion will also use CoSine's Global Services and Support (GSS) organization to provide a range of professional services, including network architecture, design and deployment. The combination of CoSine's IP Service Delivery Platform and its GSS program will enable Fusion to go beyond offering basic network access services to rapidly provisioning and deploying secure, network-based application services.

With network-based services, equipment resides within a carrier's network, where new services can be centrally provisioned and managed. The alternative method involves installing and managing equipment at every customer site, and typically requires a truck-roll to each subscriber site for maintenance or incremental service changes.

Fusion will install Cosine�s IP Service Processing Switches at its Points-of-Presence (POPs) spanning the entire country-- from regional POPs to Super POPs located in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Hiroshima, Sendai and Fukuoka. Fusion plans to rollout these advanced, network-based data services for general availability in the first half of 2001. In an earlier announcement, CoSine had reported the sale of service processing switches to Nishho Electronics Corporation, the value-added integrator supplying CoSine's IPSX 9000 Service Processing Switch to Fusion.

Cosine�s solution includes its IPSX 9000 Service Processing Switch, a carrier-class product that marries scalable computing, switching and routing hardware with an open architecture operating system and market-leading application software. The platform also includes the InVision Service Management System (SMS), and the InGage Customer Network Management (CNM) system. This solution enables Service Providers to create, manage and deliver value-added IP services to enterprise customers, who in turn, can monitor and control their services over the public IP network.

Cosine�s platform is designed to support managed, network-based application services such as VPNs; Network Associates Gauntlet Firewalls; McAfee WebShield Virus Scanning; PGP Security's CyberCop Monitor Intrusion Detection; IP-Enabled Frame Relay, Frame Relay to IPSec Interworking and Frame Relay over IPSec; Secure DSL; Secure Virtual LAN; URL filtering; virtual routing and more.

About CoSine Communications, Inc.:

CoSine is a provider of infrastructure equipment for Service Providers.

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