Omnitron Systems has launched the OmniLight line of CWDM and DWDM products in the LGX form factor. The line includes systems in standard LGX and high-density half-width LGX form factors to deliver among the highest port density product families available, Omnitron asserts.
The OmniLight line comprises CWDM and DWDM multiplexers, de-multiplexers, and optical add/drop (OADM) modules for single-mode and multimode fiber applications. Some models feature expansion ports that enable cascading modules for up to 16 channels, pass-band ports to overlay existing 1310-nm and 1550-nm legacy data traffic, and optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) ports for testing the fiber-optic network. Single-fiber CWDM models support multiple bidirectional data channels for access or transport networks, or multiple unidirectional data channels for data/video overlay networks.
OmniLight DWDM modules include multi-channel DWDM multiplexer/de-multiplexer modules that support standard ITU-T DWDM channels with 100-GHz spacing. They feature expansion ports to increasing capacity to 16 or 24 channels over dual fiber connections with tap and OTDR ports.
The CWDM and DWDM optical modules are protocol and rate transparent for applications up to 10 Gbps per channel. They support a variety of industry standard fiber connectors and introduce minimal and uniform optical loss to facilitate easy network planning, according to Omnitron. Operators can install the OmniLight modules in both head end and remote terminal locations to minimize inventory.
The OmniLight optical family features an OmniLight 3RU chassis and a 1RU rack mount shelf. The 3RU OmniLight Chassis supports 14 standard LGX modules or 28 half-width LGX modules. The 1RU OmniLight Shelf supports three standard LGX modules or six half-width LGX modules.
Omnitron offers a cable management kit that can be attached to the front of the chassis or shelf for fiber cable routing. Both the chassis and the rack-mount shelf support any combination of standard and half-width OmniLight LGX modules and can be installed in 19-inch and 23-inch racks.
The company says that its engineering services team can create specialized and customized wavelength products for applications such as such as EPON services provision.
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