Korea's KINX deployes Alidian metro DWDM systems

May 1, 2001
Apr. 30, 2001--The Korea Internet Neutral Exchange Center (KINX), has deployed Alidian Networks' Optical Service Network (OSN) 4200 metro DWDM (dense wave division multiplexing) systems to provide its customers with large-scale co-location, Internet connection and network management services.

The Korea Internet Neutral Exchange Center (KINX), has deployed Alidian Networks' Optical Service Network (OSN) 4200 metro DWDM (dense wave division multiplexing) systems to provide its customers with large-scale co-location, Internet connection and network management services.

OSN 4200 units have been installed to carry traffic between KINX's headquarters and its recently opened network operations center in Seoul. The systems, each supporting multiple full-rate gigabit Ethernet interfaces over fiber- optic cable, are part of the KINX network designed and integrated by CommVerge Solutions, Inc., an Alidian value-added partner in Korea and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region.

The OSN 4200 add/drop multiplexer platform supports up to 10 gigabits per second, or two protected wavelengths, of service-bearing capacity. A diagram of KINX's network can be found at http://www.alidian.com/kinx.

About KINX:

KINX, incorporated in 2000, is a neutral Internet exchange company established by 13 Korean ISPs through a joint investment treaty designed to foster inter-ISP cooperation. For more information, visit www.kinx.net.

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