Fiber Optic Connectivity

Sept. 10, 2024

This event was originally held on September 10, 2024
and is now available for on demand viewing.

Sponsor: Sumitomo & Tempo Communications
 1 Hour

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Exploring Fiber Optic Connectivity requirements and advancements
Network requirements and advancements in products and solutions are constantly changing and changing quickly. Service providers are pressured to expand their fiber networks to serve the growing demands of consumers, businesses, and, increasingly, data center provider customers. To ensure optimal network uptime and performance, service providers need to understand various aspects that can effect a network from the performance of their fiber network and new technologies that could make their networks run more efficiently.

During this webinar we’ll address various opportunities:

  • Critical drivers for network builds and new advancements
  • Multifiber connectivity and applications
  • Cleaning and inspection requirements
  • Power and loss testing with large area detector power meters


Joshua Seawell, director of product management for Sumitomo Electric Lightwave
With over 20 years of industry experience, Joshua Seawell oversees the continued product development and distribution of Sumitomo’s broad portfolio of optical fiber and connectivity solutions for North America and the CALA regions. Meeting the needs of the customer through the continuous innovation of new and better solutions, Joshua was instrumental in launching the industry’s first MPO splice-on-connector.

Matt Brown, product manager for Tempo Communications
Matt Brown has over 20 years experience in multifiber connectivity and applications, fiber network designs and testing, and fiber connectivity and testing standards.


Sean Buckley, Editor-in-Chief for LIGHTWAVE+BTR

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