Ciena's WaveLogic 6 Extreme (WL6e) is designed to deliver 1.6Tbps per wavelength technology and ubiquitous unregenerated 800Gbps connectivity across networks. It provides double the capacity within the same footprint, 50% power per bit reduction, and a 15% increase in spectral efficiency compared to the previous generation. What does this mean for network providers? They are now able to efficiently transport high bandwidth 400G/800G connectivity across their networks and differentiate with the highest bandwidth wholesale offerings required to address the exponential, AI-driven bandwidth demands from webscale and enterprise customers. In September, Telstra achieved a world record of 1.6Tb/s across 736km between Melbourne and Canberra, one of the highest capacity routes in Australia.
Judge’s comment: “WL6e represents the start of art for 1.6T coherent.”