Since ZTE launched its pluggable 800G solution, Turkcell has used it to verify and upgrade its network. The pluggable 800G solution consists of a high-performance pluggable 800G coherent optical module and ultra-wide C+L band spectrum. ZTE’s OTN product solutions based on the pluggable 800G optical module can cover all scenarios, including backbone, metro and DCI. Turkcell adopts 130Gbd-based single-wavelength 400G QPSK modulation to achieve the longest transmission distance in backbone scenarios. Turkcell has selected the pluggable 800G solution with a channel spacing of 150Ghz to achieve the best balance between transmission distance and capacity. In the future, Turkcell will deploy the 130Gbd-based single-wavelength pluggable 800G 16QAM modulation solution to reach the largest system capacity.