Huawei’s OptiX OSN 9800 K36/K12 is designed for integrated transmission scenarios such as home broadband, mobile bearer, enterprise, government leased line, and data center interconnection. It provides end-to-end transmission solutions from the backbone, aggregation, and access layers. Also, the platform supports boards beyond 100G and offers full coverage from single-wavelength 100G to 1.2T/1.6T and evolution to 2T and beyond. It also supports Super C-band and L-band ultra-broadband spectrums, 96 wavelengths in 4.8 THz, and Super C-band 120 wavelengths in 6 THz. Notably, the product adopts dual 3D orthogonal architecture, flexibly splits service boards, doubles the number of supported slots, and supports ultra-high-speed SerDes interconnection. Finally, a built-in intelligent unit implements detection and real-time intelligent fault analysis within milliseconds, supports construction of digital optical networks, secures the optimal working state for networks, and improves network availability.
JUDGE'S COMMENT: "A good, competent product."