AFL’s FlowScout MPO OLTS focuses on accelerating data center turn-up
AFL has launched the FlowScout® MPO OLTS, a 16-fiber MPO Tier I Certifier, to help data center providers accelerate site activation.
The platform, focused on the testing requirements for AI-driven hyperscale data centers, reflects the need to address the growing adoption of fiber infrastructure based on 16 fibers.
As it has become the standard for addressing emerging data rates, FlowScout MPO OLTS differentiates itself because it is an OLTS tester that supports testing a 16-fiber link in a single, simple 6-second test. Current MPO OLTS testers have been optimized for testing 12-fiber links and thus require two tests to complete a 16-fiber link test.
Ideal for high-density installations and AI-centric data centers, the FlowScout MPO OLTS supports various test configurations, including MPO-16, MMC-16, and MPO-12/MPO- connectors. The FlowScout is also the only MPO tester to test Duplex LC connectors, eliminating the need to deploy a separate single-fiber tester.
AFL kept the user in mind regarding this product.
Designed with a user-friendly interface, the FlowScout MPO OLTS is equipped with a large color touchscreen and an icon-driven user interface. With its advanced reporting capabilities, the FlowScout MPO OLTS allows users to store testing results and transfer them via Bluetooth or USB for comprehensive cloud-based analysis using AFL’s FlexReporter™ Software Suite.
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