Corning: Evolv® Solution with Multifiber Pushlok™ Technology

Sept. 25, 2024

Corning’s Multifiber Pushlok™ technology and its pre-connectorized FTTx solution evolve outside plant-hardened connectivity solutions by helping network operators overcome increased challenges such as cost constraints, labor shortages, and challenging build timelines to connect the unconnected. The technology enhances three new solutions: Evolv® Assemblies with Multifiber Pushlok™ Technology add flexibility to network architecture with a variety of sizes and density options; Evolv® Terminals with Multifiber Pushlok™ Technology are now available in a new “stubless” format to reduce operators’ reliance on extensive inventory and part numbers; and Evolv® FlexNAP™ with Multifiber Pushlok™ Technology is a “preconnectorized” solution designed to fit operators’ customer-specific locations.

JUDGE’S COMMENT: “The pre-connectorized FTTx solution revolutionizes outside plant connectivity by enhancing network deployment speeds, usability, and sustainability, addressing challenges like cost constraints and labor shortages.”

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