EXFO: FTBx-570 Dispersion analyzer for both CD and PMD

Sept. 25, 2024

EXFO’s FTBx-570–single-ended dispersion analyzer is a solution for single-ended CD/PMD testing. According to the ITU-T G.650.3 standard, complete fiber characterization includes CD and PDM testing and OTDR and OLTS testing. A technician can use the platform to conduct CD/PMD tests on multiple links from a single location, minimizing truck rolls and reducing operational expenses. The platform can support various applications, including qualification of up to 400G/800G and beyond and metro, core, DCI, and cellular/mobile haul network testing. It also offers fully compliant fiber characterization (with OLTS and OTDR).

JUDGE’S COMMENT: “Discovering the problems with existing fibers that may have never been activated because the real reason behind getting bits through is hidden from OTDRs. This platform is a great step forward to bring to the field technician.”


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