Proterial Cable America targets hyperscale data centers with new fiber cables

July 28, 2024
The vendor serves up Base-8 and Base-16 cables.

Proterial Cable America (PCA) wants to strengthen its presence in the hyperscaler data center market with its NanoCore® Interconnect Micro Distribution cables.

The Base-8 and Base-16 fiber optic cables are ideal for hyperscale data centers because they can efficiently carry large amounts of data at high speeds.

Modern transceivers typically contain 8 or 16 fibers, meaning the Base-8 and Base-16 cables align with them.

The big story with the new cables is their ability to support higher speeds with less space.

A Base-8 cable transmits four fibers and receives four fibers on each connector, while a Base-16 cable can transmit and receive eight fibers on each connector. Specially designed to transmit data at high speeds, Base-8 and Base-16 cables are smaller than the Base-12 alternatives, allowing more cables to fit in the same space. Their smaller size also means they are less expensive to manufacture and take up less costly space in a data center.

The NanoCore® Interconnect Micro Distribution cable offers 250um fiber in a loose tube design, which allows more fibers to fit in a smaller diameter cable. Each cable uses all the fibers for parallel optics applications supporting 40GbE, 100GbE, 400GbE, 800GbE, and 1.6 Terabit Ethernet (TbE).

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