20 May 2003 London--Telecom Italia has renewed two frame contracts with marconi worth an estimated EUR 50 million for the supply of high capacity transmission equipment over the next two years.
Marconi says that the agreements will ensure that Telecom Italia continues to develop its advanced network based on next generation technologies, characterised by high standards transmission speed and security. The investment supports the deployment of innovative broadband services to Telecom Italia's customers.
The first frame agreement, worth up to EUR 40 million, is an extension of an existing frame contract for the supply of SDH equipment - reaffirming Marconi's position as the main supplier of this technology to Telecom Italia.
The second contract is worth up to EUR 10 million and is related to a frame contract signed in 1999 for the implementation of a new optical transmission network for Telecom Italia based on Marconi's DWDM technology.
This innovative technology can also operate over dispersion-shifted fibre (DSF) and allows Telecom Italia to quadruple the capacity of its already installed fibre, with the associated improvement in operating costs.
The new Marconi DWDM equipment will allow Telecom Italia to provision the bandwidth for innovative broadband services necessary to satisfy the growing demands of Telecom Italia's residential and business customers by developing a more efficient optical fibre backbone network.