Dare You Drink from The Fire Hose?

Jan. 8, 2016
We have a new info feed on the site that you may have noticed. It's called The Fire Hose. It's a bit different than your typical wire service news feed, in that it also presents content links from scores of tech journalism sites from around the world. Even restrained by filters designed to pass only items pertaining to optical communications and related technologies, it produces a lot of content. More, frankly, than I've managed to tame so far.
We have a new info feed on the site that you may have noticed. It's called The Fire Hose. It's a bit different than your typical wire service news feed, in that it also presents content links from scores of tech journalism sites from around the world. Even restrained by filters designed to pass only items pertaining to optical communications and related technologies, it produces a lot of content. More, frankly, than I've managed to tame so far. So that's why it's called The Fire Hose. It produces a prodigious, barely controlled stream of stories, blog posts, features, stock tips, job notices, and other tidbits you might find interesting. It updates once an hour, so if you don't see anything eye-catching the first time you check it, a drive-by later likely will prove worthwhile. And click on the "More News" tag at the bottom of the section to discover what you may have missed in your absence. Depending upon whether you've returned to it more recently than I have, you might even find stories from Lightwave's competitors (such as they are). However, if I get there first, you'll never even know they were there because I'm going to delete them as soon as I see them. Why would I do such a seemingly petty and spiteful thing? Because I have other plans for these items (cackle, cackle). More on this later. If you haven't found it yet, The Fire Hose is located on our homepage, after the "Additional Headlines" section in the left-hand column and right before our "Featured Articles." I know it's generally considered a bad idea to try to drink from a fire hose. But I think you'll find this instance an exception.
About the Author

Stephen Hardy | Editorial Director and Associate Publisher

Stephen Hardy has covered fiber optics for more than 15 years, and communications and technology for more than 30 years. He is responsible for establishing and executing Lightwave's editorial strategy across its digital magazine, website, newsletters, research and other information products. He has won multiple awards for his writing.

Contact Stephen to discuss:

  • Contributing editorial material to the Web site or digital magazine
  • The direction of a digital magazine issue, staff-written article, or event
  • Lightwave editorial attendance at industry events
  • Arranging a visit to Lightwave's offices
  • Coverage of announcements
  • General questions of an editorial nature

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