The OptiX OSN 9800 M24 is Huawei's flagship WDM product. It applies to integrated transmission scenarios such as home broadband, mobile bearer, enterprise and government leased lines, and data center interconnection. It provides the optimal end-to-end transmission solution from the backbone, aggregation, and access layers. The OptiX OSN 9800 M24 uses the L0 + L1 + L2 architecture. Wavelength multiplexing/demultiplexing and add/drop are implemented at Layer 0, ODUk/VC/OSU service grooming is implemented at Layer 1, and ethernet/MPLS-TP switching is implemented at Layer 2. The equipment supports a tributary-line-separate architecture and a centralized cross-connect unit to groom electrical-layer signals at different granularities flexibly.
Judge's Comment: “This product allows data processing on optical, TDM, and packet layers with scalability up to 10 Tbps per node.”’