Lumentum's 800G ZR and ZR+ transceivers address the growing need from cloud data center operators for high-performance optical solutions that support the rapid influx of data traffic and increasing bandwidth requirements driven by new Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications. The Lumentum 800G ZR and ZR+ compact transceivers are available in QSFP-DD and OSFP form factors, IP over DWDM by directly plugging into switches and routers. These transceivers incorporate Lumentum's new 130+ GBaud Smart TROSA, offering high output power and extended reach for metro and regional networks. A sampling of the transceivers began in December 2023, with an official release expected in the calendar year 2024.
Judge’s Comment: “The 800G ZR/ZR+ Transceivers eliminate the bottleneck at a hyperscale level and truly enable technologies for tomorrow's applications.”