Lumen adds on-demand private Ethernet and IP-VPN to its NaaS solution set
Lumen is responding to its distributed business customers’ desire to be able to purchase and procure private circuits by launching Ethernet On-Demand and IP-VPN on-demand. These two offerings build on top of its NaaS and Internet On-Demand platforms.
In July 2023, Lumen introduced its Internet On-Demand capability for its Network as a Service (NaaS) cloud platform, creating a cloud-like experience to buy, consume and manage network services. Internet On-Demand is part of Lumen's broader vision for its cloud service portfolio. Besides Ethernet and IP-VPN, NaaS will expand to include security services, such as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), SASE (Secure Access Service Edge), and Edge services.
The platform is ideal for businesses that manage sensitive or confidential data, such as financial transactions and health records, or those with legal and regulatory requirements seeking a private and secure option for their cloud connections.
Private Ethernet and IP-VPN Network-as-a-Service connections offer several benefits:
Enhanced Security: A business can bypass the public internet by putting encrypted data on a private connection to each remote site.
Data Protection Regulations: Companies can more readily comply with strict data protection laws and regulations with higher security and control over data handling practices.
Cost Efficiency: Businesses can access cloud resources on demand without spending money on costly hardware, upkeep, or excess capacity.
Scalability: Adjust bandwidth to increase and decrease speeds during peak and low utilization times and turn them off when not needed
Reliable Connections: Securely connect multiple business locations within a network, such as branch offices, data centers and headquarters. A business can choose the best cloud service providers, including AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.
Miriana Martinova, Lumen SVP of Product Management, said Lumen NaaS Private Connections offers “both performance and enhanced security over their network connections.”
“Financial and healthcare companies can protect their data from breaches, cyberattacks, or unauthorized access across any cloud environment, with confidence in Lumen's secure, resilient, and global network,” she said.
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Sean Buckley
Sean is responsible for establishing and executing the editorial strategies of Lightwave and Broadband Technology Report across their websites, email newsletters, events, and other information products.