Singtel touts 10-Gbps FTTP broadband service

Feb. 8, 2016
Singtel says it will launch a 10-Gbps fiber to the premises (FTTP) broadband service to residences in Singapore this month. The incumbent carrier will use what it describes as "Next Generation 10GPON or Gigabit Passive Optical Network" to support the service.

Singtel says it will launch a 10-Gbps fiber to the premises (FTTP) broadband service to residences in Singapore this month. The incumbent carrier will use what it describes as "Next Generation 10GPON or Gigabit Passive Optical Network" to support the service.

The CPE will deliver a 10-Gbps connection via 10GBase-T as well as the option of using any of four 1-Gbps ports. Singtel also will supply a WiFi Mesh technology for improved wireless connectivity through technologies such as beam steering.

The service provider envisions the high capacity fiber-optic network service as beneficial in multi-user environments such as home offices and large households.

Singtel will offer the full 10-Gbps "Fibre Home Bundle" for S$189 ($134) per month. The operator will provide a 10-Gbps optical network router, a wireless dual-band AC router, NLT installation and weekday installation appointments, a 4G mobile broadband complement, and for a limited period, a pair of WiFi Mesh devices worth S$240 ($171).

The service rollout follows a successful pilot program Singtel began in the third quarter of last year.

"Over 70% of our customers are on fiber. We believe in constantly innovating and looking for ways to bring them better speeds using the newest technologies," said Tay Soo Meng, Singtel CTO, at the time of the pilot program's announcement. "Most of these households already have multiple devices connected to their home network. The adoption of this technology will help us meet demand as the number of applications increase and become even more bandwidth intensive."

For more information on FTTx equipment and suppliers, visit the Lightwave Buyer's Guide.

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