Lucent clinches $145 million in Chinese contracts

March 27, 2000
3/27/00 Lucent Technologies (Murray Hill, NJ) announced that it has signed contracts worth a combined $145 million to supply optical networking systems and fiber cable to two customers in China.

3/27/00 Lucent Technologies (Murray Hill, NJ) announced that it has signed contracts worth a combined $145 million to supply optical networking systems and fiber cable to two customers in China. In an agreement worth more than $80 million with CITIC Pacific Ltd., Lucent will provide optical networking equipment for CITIC's nationwide backbone network project. The three-line backbone network will be 32,000 km long and is scheduled to be operational in the third quarter of this year.

Under a $65 million agreement with China's Guangdong Eastern FiberNet Company (GEFC), Lucent will provide optical networking systems and fiber cable products for a broadband network in the Guangdong province. The network is expected to become operational by mid-2000.

Lucent will provide both CITIC and GEFC with its WaveStar OLS 400G, an 80-channel dense wavelength-division multiplexing system, and its WaveStar TDM 10G, a Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) system capable of transmitting 10 gigabits of information per second across a single wavelength.

Lucent also will provide GEFC with its WaveStar ADM16/1 SDH equipment and integrated network management system and 6,000 km of TrueWave RS (Reduced Slope) fiber for the provincial broadband network. This is the single largest fiber cable contract in dollar amount and kilometers in the telecommunications industry in China today, says Lucent.

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