June 1, 2006 Hickory, NC -- Corning Cable Systems has been granted Rural Development Utilities Program (RDUP-formerly RUS) acceptance for its OptiTect Advantage and Premier Local Convergence Point (LCP) Cabinets.
With this listing, Corning Cable Systems is the only manufacturer to have the complete series of both Advantage and Premier LCP cabinets accepted by the RDUP, say Corning representatives. In addition to the OptiTect Cabinet family, the RDUP has approved Corning Cable Systems' OptiSheath Classic and Advantage Terminals and Closures, OptiDrop Pedestals, and SST-Drop, SOLO, and ALTOS Cable families.
The RDUP, a division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, offers loans and grants in order to increase the rate of deployment of technology to small towns in rural areas. RDUP acceptance allows service providers to purchase accepted products with these funds. The products are listed in the "List of Materials Acceptable for Use on Telecommunications Systems of RUS Borrowers." The complete list of products can be found at www.usda.gov/rus/telecom/index.htm.Corning Cable Systems has been granted RDUP acceptance for its OptiTect Advantage and LCP Cabinets.
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