JUNE 11, 2008 -- BroadLight (search for BroadLight) has been awarded a patent for natively transporting voice and data over passive optical networks. This patent, which was filed in 2002 with a Foreign Application Priority Data in 2001, defined the infrastructure for a PON frame length of 125 microsec which led to an overall decrease in deployment costs, increase in bandwidth, and improvement in quality of service for the triple play.
"BroadLight has established a strong competitive advantage by having more intellectual property rights and systems-level expertise than any other GPON semiconductor supplier in the industry," said Didi Ivancovsky, founder and vice president of marketing for BroadLight. "Our PON expertise goes back nearly a decade and has contributed greatly to the industry establishment of GPON."
This US Patent, number 7,376,144, describes a method of how to natively transport services such as voice and data over PON. This method eliminates the need to convert services into a single protocol at the transmitting end and then having to convert them back to their original service type at the receiving end.
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