eWAVE5101L OEO 100G/40G Media Converter

July 3, 2018
eWAVE5101L 100/40G media converter is developed for flexible convert different opticalinterface in 100/40G transmission. By changing different types of CFP module, it supportsalmost all kinds of 100G optical interface, including 100GBASE-LR4, 100GBASE-ER4 and100GBASE-SR10 and seamlessly interfaces with any third party equipment. It can even beused as transponder or O-E-O repeater when long reach CFP module is used. Coherent100G transmission and DWDM 10x10 MSA 100G transmission are also supportedStandard pluggable CFP optical modules makes it easy and flexible in conversion. Theconcept behind is to provide optional way for rolling 100/40G services with cost effectiveand space-saving product.Features:- Most flexible in conversion- Supporting 100/40Goptical interface- Supporting coherent 100G transmission in high density application- Supporting DWDM 10x10 100G transmission in low cost application- Support repeater application- 3 slots for EDFA , DCM, OLP or passive WDM/OAD cards- Line Side: 80km distance PTP, and over 1000 km with Boost, line and pre EDFAs- CLI Management via RS232 or telnet via TCP/IP

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