About NTest Inc
Minneapolis, MN 55337
United States
More Info on NTest Inc
World Leader in Remote Fiber Test Systems
• 24x7 physical layer fiber monitoring system
• Uses OTDR technology with optical switch to test multiple fibers
• Robust, self-contained remote units continuously tests fibers
• Comprehensive reporting, trend analysis, and alarm management
NTest is a worldwide leader of optical communications test and measurement solutions for telecommunications service providers, cable operators, utility, and power companies with deployments in more than 45 countries. The FiberWatch™ product line utilizes an industry leading 4th generation fiber monitoring engine technology to quickly locate fiber failures, detect network intrusions as well as predict fibers that are degrading and likely to fail. In the event of a cable issue, the fiber monitoring system is able to detect the physical problem, diagnose the problem, pinpoint the fault on a map and notify network operators.
Since 1990, NTest has grown due to customer growth and acquisitions of the GN Nettest/Anritsu and ADC Telecomunications Optical Components product lines. Remote Fiber Monitoring Systems (RFMS) were pioneered by the GN Nettest team in the early 1990’s. NTest acquired the GN Nettest and Anritsu RFMS products in 2006 making it the leader in fiber monitoring products and technology today.
NTest has continued cultivating innovation at its R&D lab in Minneapolis where the industry leading FiberWatch™ PON monitoring system was developed to identify breaks and fiber faults after a splitter in the PON network.
FiberWatch™ combines low cost, ease-of-use, scalability and high performance for complete, economical monitoring of large fiber networks. The FiberWatch™ system utilizes optical time-domain-reflectometer (OTDR) technology to continuously monitor optical networks and identify fiber faults. The fault data can then be correlated with the Geographical Information System (GIS) to isolate the fault, pinpoint the problem location on a map, and generate an alarm that can automatically dispatch repair personnel with a full trouble report.
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