Old Lyme, CT 06371


About FiberQA LLC


10 Vista Dr
Suite 101
Old Lyme, CT 06371
United States

More Info on FiberQA LLC

There is a pressing need in the Datacom, Telecom, and Mil-Aero industries to have fast, accurate, and automated fiber optic connector end face cleaning and inspection systems. FiberQA meets that need with innovative and revolutionary solutions.

FiberQA was founded in 2012 by combining the AVIT and FastMT fiber inspection systems of PVI Systems and the fiber end face cleaning products of Aefos. The founding concept was to integrate the Aefos patented FastCLEAN™ technology into AVIT systems that have been inspecting tens of millions of fibers from 2003 to present. Their goal is to provide automated, integrated solutions for supply chains still using slow, manual focus inspection systems, and inefficient sticks, pens, and wipes for cleaning.

FiberQA’s product lines include: FastMT, the fastest fully automated desktop fiber scope for MT ferrules on the market (80x, 200x, and 400x models); FastClean, patented & automated connector end face cleaning tools; and AVIT, with the capability to integrate both FastMT and FastClean technology to dramatically increase ROI & throughput while limiting part handling that leads to the risk of damage.

FiberQA is the new standard for inspection and cleaning systems in the fiber optic industry. Find out how to meet your company’s unique needs by contacting FiberQA’s sales team TODAY!

For the latest News & Events, visit us at or like & follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google+

Fiber QA the company with: "Excellence In Automated Inspection & Cleaning"


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