The Lab Buddy is the best friend you'll ever have! Enhancing optical front-ends was never easier. The ability to incorporate any of our 30+ devices into the Lab Buddy makes it more versatile than any other O/E converter on the market today. The Lab Buddy provides device specific voltages, factory set current limits, and appropriately sequenced biasing for Discovery's family of optical receivers in a convenient bench top package. It includes a 50 / 60 Hz, 110 / 220 VAC universal power supply. Optical input power from the user's fiber optic cable is supplied through the built-in receptacle connector. RF output to an oscilloscope is through a coaxial connector. This simplifies adding optical front-ends to spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, oscilloscopes and RF power meters, to name a few. It is also small enough to carry with you from lab to lab or in the field.
Salient Features:
Plug and Play
Universal 110V/220V power supply eliminates the need for biasing power supplies
Robust package eliminates accidental damage to fiber pigtails, optical connectors, and RF connectors
Reduces set up time
Saves bench top space
Portable for field use
Lab instrumentation module for O/E conversion of:
Optical pulses having Full Width Half Maximum of 10 to 50 psec
RF over fiber in X, S, C, Ka, K, Ku, V or W bands
Data rates at 2.5, 10, 12.3, 40, 43, or 80 Gb/s
Use in student labs or busy test stations where not all users are experienced in handling opto-electronic components