Broadcom Corp

Irvine, CA 92617


About Broadcom Corp



5300 California Ave
Irvine, CA 92617
United States

More Info on Broadcom Corp

Offers wired and wireless broadband communications semiconductors. Provides manufacturers of computing and networking equipment, digital entertainment and broadband access products, and mobile devices with the industry's broadest portfolio of state-of-the-art system-on-a-chip and software solutions.


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FTC, Broadcom reach consent agreement on anticompetition charges

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed a complaint alleging U.S. chip maker Broadcom had illegally practiced monopolistic practices that included “exclusive dealing and...
Source: Broadcom
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Broadcom offers BCM8780X 7-nm 8x100G PAM4 PHY, BCM87360 800G 8:8 retimer

The devices leverage the 7-nm process technology from the Centenario PHY platform, which is now shipping in production, and complement Broadcom’s line of 100G single-lambda optics...

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