Verizon has signed with datamena, a carrier-neutral data center and connectivity platform, as a new regional transit hub to serve Verizon customers across the Middle East. Verizon says it has started the relationship with the deployment of a Private IP (PIP) node in datamena's free-zone data center in Dubai.
The new node provides customers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with direct, secure, high-performance connectivity to Ve'izon’s global IP network. Verizon says it also plans to use its global relationships with software as a service (SaaS) providers to expand its service offering in the Middle East with new 'as a service' capabilities.
datamena offers customers secure space, connectivity, and infrastructure, as well as expertise, to communicate across the Middle East and globally. UAE service provider du launched the company in 2012.
"The UAE is recognized as a hub for communication solutions in the Middle East, so is a natural location for Verizon to focus its connectivity for the region," said Peter Konings, EMEA products director at Verizon. "Our relationship with datamena demonstrates Verizon's continued commitment to expanding access to our global PIP network. Our objective is to ensure we support our customers' current and future communications objectives, offering seamless connectivity to their business-critical applications -- no matter where their operations are in the world."
Verizon's PIP is a virtual private network (VPN) service based on Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology. PIP also provides the network cornerstone of Verizon's SDN strategy, through which the company aims to simply, securely, and reliably connect users to applications.
The U.S.-based Tier 1 service provider already serves the Middle East via a mix of local partnerships and infrastructure and pan-regional professional service and customer support capabilities. Verizon also is an investor in the SEA-ME-WE-3, SEA-ME-WE-4, and Europe India Gateway submarine cable networks, which land and serve the Middle East as primary cable systems.
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