The uTune Director enables network operators to turn up passive DWDM networks on demand and reduces inventory sparing costs. Rather than stocking one spare fixed-channel XFP or SFP+ transceiver per every ITU channel deployed, one tunable transceiver and a uTune Director can provide a flexible spare for every channel. For comparison, Champion ONE says that while a customer with a 20-channel DWDM network might spend $100,000 on spare optics, with a uTune Director and a single tunable transceiver every channel can be spared for $7000.
The uTune Director externally tunes and locks XFP and SFP+ transceivers, and those that it tunes will not revert to a default channel once unplugged. This makes it suited to turning up networks on demand, Champion ONE says. A single transceiver can be tuned and locked in under a minute and re-tuned to a new channel an unlimited number of times.
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