Lightron Fiber-Optic Devices, Inc. 10-Gbps HSFP with Wavelength Stack-up Technology
Lightron says its wavelength stack-up technology provides two, six, or maximum eight adjacent wavelengths within a 13 nm tolerance. In conjunction with its thermo-electrical cooling design from the company's Cooled BOSA (bi-directional optical sub-assembly), the technology enables CWDM links with 36, 108, or more wavelengths operating over the industrial temperature range. And its design reduces the effects of Rayleigh backscattering and back reflection.
Use of the technology also does not require the introduction of new passive modules into the network, the company adds.
HSFP transceivers have already been deployed to support LTE roll outs in Korea. Enhanced versions that will support greater reach will widen the application space within wireless applications and 10 Gigabit Ethernet networks.Judge's comment: "Just making a WDM SFP is not innovative, but this SFP solves an industry problem, and has lots of innnovation such as bi-di that works, multiple channels squeezed into existing bands, and compatibility with already fielded channel plans."
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