Keysight Technologies M8196A 92 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator
March 11, 2016
The high-speed, wide-bandwidth M8196A arbitrary waveform generator enables engineers to generate digital, multi-level (e.g., PAM-4, PAM-8, DMT) signal scenarios at 8 bits vertical resolution and test their electrical and optical links with complex modulated signals up to 64 GBaud. This makes the M8196A the fastest and most versatile signal generator in the industry, Keysight asserts.
The M8196A is designed to support leading-edge research for 100-Gbps, 400-Gbps and 1-Tbps communication applications. Target applications include:
- High-speed and coherent optical transceiver and component testing; its four synchronized channels in one instrument enable deterministic emulation and predistortion of two independent I/Q signals
- R&D tests in the development of new physical layer standards exceeding 100 Gbps via the instrument's flexibility, which also allows de-embedding of a channel's S-parameters, in-situ calibration, and signal stress conditioning
- Generation of any mathematically defined arbitrary waveforms, ultra-short yet precise pulses, and multiple GHz chirps.
The M8196A provides 92 GSa/s sampling rate and up to 32 GHz of analog bandwidth.Judge’s comment: "Impressive. Critical tool for coherent and client interface research and development."
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