As the fiber-optics market grows, several firms have recently opened new facilities or announced

April 1, 1997

As the fiber-optics market grows, several firms have recently opened new facilities or announced expansion plans to keep pace. For example, Corning Inc.`s Components Products Business has begun construction of a new manufacturing facility in Erwin, NY. The 20,000-square-foot facility will triple the group`s manufacturing capacity and should be delivering components by the end of the year....Uniphase Corp., San Jose, CA, will open a new 20,000-square-foot facility in Bloomfield, CT, this month for its Telecommunications Products, Electro-Optic Products Div....Alcatel Telecom, Paris, will establish a new branch of its Research Div. in Richardson, TX. The facility will be the first of its kind the company has established outside of Europe....Optical Cable Corp., Roanoke, VA, has recently completed an expansion of its manufacturing and office facilities. The expansion doubles the 74,000 square feet provided by the complex`s initial design.

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