Hitachi announces three executive appointments

Feb. 1, 1997

Hitachi announces three executive appointments

Ronald J. Ruggiero has been named senior vice president of operations at Hitachi Cable Manchester Inc. in Manchester, NH. He joined Hitachi in 1988 and previously was employed by Brand-Rex. Kenneth B. Glander has been promoted to vice president of sales and marketing. He has held several sales and managerial positions with the company, including regional manager and national sales manager. Brian A. Griggs has been named vice president of engineering. Before joining Hitachi 10 years ago, he was manufacturing engineer at Phalo Cable Co.

Gene South, Sr., chief executive and general manager of Lakedale Telephone Co. in Annandale, MN; Gregory Killpack, chief executive and general manager of Emery Telephone in Orangeville, UT; and John Duda, president and chief executive of ST Enterprises Ltd. in Charlotte, NC, were appointed to the board of directors of the United States Telephone Association (usta). These appointments were made during the association`s 99th Annual Convention held recently in Atlanta. At the same time, Richard Lumpkin was awarded the Distinguished Service Medallion. He served as usta chairman in 1981 and has been a member of the board for 20 years. Formerly, Lumpkin was associated with Consolidated Telephone Co. and Consolidated Communications Inc.

Jonathan P. Streeter has been named manager of global technology policy in the international affairs department of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) in Arlington, VA. Before joining the TIA, he was director of external affairs for the Optoelectronics Industry Development Association. Streeter also spent six years with the International Trade Administration of the Department of Commerce.

Robert P. Auteri has been appointed vice president of engineering at TII-Ditel in Hickory, NC. Previous employers include Augat Communications, Porta Systems, and Automatic Connector.

Robert P. May has been named chief operating officer of Cablevision Systems Corp., Woodbury, NY. He will oversee the activities of the company`s three operating divisions: Cable Television Operations, Digital Services, and Rainbow Programming Holdings Inc. May had a 20-year career at Federal Express Corp. and created its Business Logistics Services company.

David L. House has been named chairman, president, and chief executive of Bay Networks Inc., Santa Clara, CA. He spent 22 years at Intel, where he held key marketing, management, and strategic-planning roles. Other former employers include Raytheon, Honeywell, and Microdata.

Michael Newman has been appointed sales manager for Latin America by Roanoke, VA-based Optical Cable Corp. Before joining Optical Cable, he worked at Klipsch Inc. and Indiana Cash Drawer.

Paul C. O`Brien has been named chairman of the board of directors of First Pacific Networks Inc. in San Jose, CA. He has more than 30 years` experience in the telecommunications industry and held executive positions with the Bell System since joining New York Telephone in 1964. Formerly, O`Brien was associated with New England Telephone and General Electric.

Michael S. Ruley has been named vice president and general manager of the Denver/Boulder fiber-optic network of Teleport Communications Group Inc. He has 13 years of experience in the technology and telecommunications industry in the Denver area, most recently at BPI Communications. Ruley has also worked for Corporate Express, Librex Computer Systems, and IMS, a systems-integration company he co-founded.

Eric E. Lawton has been appointed director of marketing and communications of Westport, CT-based belgacom North America. Before joining the company, he held various marketing and public relations positions in nynex Corp., where he worked for 24 years. Most recently, he was president of Lawton Services Group, a marketing consulting firm.

Jack Shirman has been named chief executive of VideoLan Technologies Inc. in Louisville, KY. He is responsible for launching telecommunications products and creating new video markets. Former employers include Dynatech Corp. and Telco Systems Inc., where he was president and chief executive.

Philip A. Campbell has been named to the board of directors of Intermedia Communications Inc., Tampa, FL. He has more than 35 years` experience in the telecommunications industry. He is former Bell Atlantic director, vice chairman, and chief financial officer. Previously, Campbell was president of New Jersey Bell, Indiana Bell, and Bell Atlantic Network Services. Robert Manning has been appointed chief financial officer of the company. He joined Intermedia from DMX Inc. and before that, spent 10 years in the investment banking field.

Thomas F. Ertel has been named vice president of engineering at Artel Video Systems Inc., Marlborough, MA. Previously, he was engineering director of Chipcom Corp., which was formerly Artel`s parent company and now part of 3Com.

Robert J. Cutter has been appointed vice president and general manager of the Colorado Springs, CO, facility of Camarillo, CA-based Vitesse Semiconductor Corp. Former employers include Rockwell Semiconductor Systems and United Technologies Microelectronics Center.

Graham Miller, chairman and founder of LTX Corp., Westwood, MA, has been appointed a director of Bookham Technology Ltd. in Chilton, Oxfordshire, UK. He is a board member of Newbridge Networks in Canada and of several electronics companies in the United States.

Geoffrey S. Roman has been appointed senior vice president and general manager of the San Diego, CA-based Telecommunications Business Unit of General Instrument Corp. in Chicago. He has also been elected a corporate officer. Roman joined General Instrument in 1982, where his initial role was vice president of marketing and engineering for the RF Systems Div. Before joining the company, he was associated with The mitre Corp.

Leland Schmidt, vice president of industry affairs for GTE Telephone Operations, has been named chairman of the board of directors of the United States Telephone Association. He joined General Telephone Co. of Wisconsin in 1959 before moving to GTE`s corporate headquarters in 1967. Schmidt has 37 years` experience in telecommunications.

John Griffin has been appointed vice president of marketing for the Richardson, TX-based Network Services Div. of ADC Telecommunications Inc. Previously, he worked at RSI Systems Inc. Griffin has more than 21 years of experience in the telecommunications industry, including assignments at Northwestern Bell and US West.

Richard S. Guha has been named senior vice president of marketing at Continental Cablevision Inc. in Boston. He has held a variety of senior marketing positions and was most recently employed by mspi Bergenroth, a Connecticut-based consulting firm, which he cofounded.

Anne L. Schwartz has been named vice president of planning at GST Telecommunications Inc., Vancouver, WA. She will be in charge of analyzing company performance, creating and implementing new plans, reviewing strategic direction, and supporting mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances. Previously, Schwartz was the executive director for the Texas Public Finance Authority.

Samuel M. Alunni has been appointed senior network analyst, networking, at the Aberdeen Group in Boston. He has 20 years` experience in the networking industry. Before joining Aberdeen, he was the founder and chief executive of Sterling Research, a market-research firm serving the networking and telecommunications industries.

The Honorable George Deukmejian, the former governor of the state of California, has been named director of Whittaker Corp., Simi Valley, CA. Currently a partner of Sidley & Austin, he served as governor of California from 1983 to 1991. John K. Otto has been appointed vice president of the corporation, and Eva H.L. Jountis has been named controller. The elections round out the headquarters` executive team formed by the company`s chief executive Joseph F. Alibrandi, following his election to the post last October.

Paul L. Wexler, vice president and general manager of the Telecommunications Systems Div. of Toshiba America Information Systems, was elected by the members of the MultiMedia Telecommunications Association to receive the eighteenth annual Thomas F. Cater award. The award symbolizes the highest honor that the association can bestow for outstanding service in the public interest and achievement in the field of telecommunications. At Toshiba, Wexler is responsible for all aspects of the division, including product development, marketing, sales channel management and development, and product distribution and support.

Gregory Riedel has been named chief financial officer by Sturbridge, MA-based Galileo Corp. He replaces Josef Rokus, who has been appointed to the newly created position of vice president, corporate development. Riedel was most recently chief financial officer at IPC Information Systems Inc. and held a similar position at Symbol Technologies.

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