May 12, 2004 Fremont, CA -- Avanex Corp. has shipped its PowerShaper Fixed Dispersion Etalon Compensator--based on the patented Frequency Dispersion Synthesizer (FDS) technology--to more than 20 customers for trials and field deployments.
Avanex announced early last year that it had been awarded a U.S. patent, "Method, system, and apparatus for chromatic dispersion compensation utilizing a Gires-Tournois interferometer," that demonstrates the concept, method, and design to achieve chromatic dispersion compensation using cascaded Gires-Tournois etalons. This patent and several additional complementary patents are the basis by which Avanex develops and manufactures its PowerShaper etalon-based dispersion compensation products, which enhance signal clarity and allow longer-distance transmissions, say company representatives.
Avanex's FDS technology is based upon a cascade of etalons, which allows the customized design of a variety of dispersion profiles, including positive and negative dispersion and dispersion slopes, non-linear dispersion slopes, and slope-only dispersion compensation. The PowerShaper Fixed Dispersion Etalon Compensator module features a small-form factor, high-input power handling, and exceptional optical properties, says the company. It is ideally suited for metro and long haul networks at 10 Gbits/sec, CATV links, submarine applications, residual dispersion clean-up applications, and dynamic terminal dispersion compensation.
"Avanex's Frequency Dispersion Synthesizer technology is firmly established as the leading etalon-based solution on the market," contends Dr. Giovanni Barbarossa, CTO and vice president, product development at Avanex. "The PowerShaper Fixed Dispersion Etalon Compensator is part of a full suite of complementary dispersion compensation solutions we offer, including fiber-based modules for all fiber types and network applications and including fixed and tunable solutions. We believe we offer the most comprehensive and most widely deployed dispersion compensation solutions available."
The PowerShaper Fixed Dispersion Etalon Compensator modules have been qualified to the Telcordia GR-1221 standard.