Eblana Photonics unveils non-astigmatic laser diodes for more efficient coupling to waveguides and fibers
September 8, 2004 Dublin, Ireland -- Eblana Photonics, manufacturer of laser products for high-speed broadband access and enterprise networks, today announced that it is commencing shipment of a new generation of edge emitting laser diodes that feature circular, non-astigmatic far-field emission patterns.
Eblana's acclaimed Discrete Mode (single wavelength) transmitter lasers--which operate uncooled to more than 90 ° C--utilize proprietary mode engineering technology to cost-effectively provide high side-mode suppression single wavelength laser emission for use in optical communication applications at transmission rates from 155 Mbits/sec to 2.5 Gbits/sec. These products also feature low astigmatic emission patterns for efficient coupling to waveguides and fibers using lower cost lenses.
"Eblana Photonics is committed to providing the laser products that underpin the drive of the communications industry to ubiquitous broadband deployment and the development of high speed enterprise networks," asserts James O'Gorman, Eblana's CEO. "Our laser products are high-quality, consistent performing, 'off-the-rack' emitters for use in both conventional and PLC-based transceivers. The consistent performance and non-astigmatic emission of these products break the complexity and total cost barrier for broadband transceiver manufacturers associated with current custom products by reducing both the bill of materials cost and the total cost of manufacture."
"Low astigmatism sources such as Eblana's are key components for high bandwidth metro, LAN/Access and storage products," adds Ray Milano, vice president, Optical Technology, Vitesse Semiconductor. "More efficient fiber coupling can be achieved with non-astigmatic laser emitters. This reduces power dissipation by both the optics and the associated electronics in the transceiver and hence the total transceiver heat-sinking challenge. This, in turn, leads to overall reduced system cost. Eblana's development complements Vitesse's lead in driving down the overall cost barrier in gigabit optical systems."
"Our focus on OEM access/enterprise transceiver applications has driven the introduction of a targeted line of user friendly, high uniformity, single wavelength and Fabry Perot laser products with emission in the 1310-nm, 1490-nm, and 1550-nm spectral windows," reports Daniel Tine, Eblana's head of North American sales. "These products were designed to meet the needs of OEM transceiver manufacturers and feature unparalleled consistency in performance, uncooled operation at high temperatures, and greater coupling efficiency to PLC waveguides and fibers without using expensive optics."
These circular emission products are available now at 1310 nm with additional wavelength variants currently completing development.