30 July 2003 Columbia, MD Lightwave -- Corvis Corp., provider of intelligent optical networking solutions, has been invited by SAIC to participate in the testing phase, "Bake Off," for the Optical Transport System portion of the U.S. Government's Defense Information Systems Agency's (DISA) $877-million Global Information Grid Bandwidth Expansion (GIG-BE) project.
The GIG-BE project is a Department of Defense initiative, which involves the deployment of an all-optical network linking Department of Defense sites around the world using secure and dedicated links. The Optical Transport System portion includes both Ultra-Long Haul transport and integrated all-optical switching. GIG-BE will connect intelligence, command, and operational locations with a secure high-bandwidth capability over a physically diverse, optically meshed network.
"We believe that the Corvis optical networking solution is a strong technical and economic fit for the Optical Transport System requirements," contends Dr. David Huber, chairman and chief executive officer. "Since Corvis is still the only company that has ever constructed and deployed a commercial all-optical network, we believe that we are well positioned to assist SAIC and DISA in the task of deploying this next-generation, all-optical, global network," he adds.