Product News 6-17-10

June 17, 2010
Editor's Note: Early Bird applications are now being accepted for the fifth annual BGR Diamond Technology Reviews. The "Diamonds" recognize market-defining broadband products, software and solutions. Engineering executives from Bright House, Charter, C...
Editor's Note: Early Bird applications are now being accepted for the fifth annual BGR Diamond Technology Reviews. The "Diamonds" recognize market-defining broadband products, software and solutions. Engineering executives from Bright House, Charter, Comcast, Cox, Suddenlink, Sunflower Broadband and Time Warner Cable will be judging this year's entries.

Don't wait: The Early Bird period ends on July 9. Visit for more information and the 2010 Application.

Blonder Tongue Intros Dual-Input Transcoder

Blonder Tongue Laboratories ( has announced the latest member of its Digital Collection, the MDDA-860. It is designed to allow service providers to select, among available signals, one digital over-the-air (8-VSB) and/or digital cable (QAM) signal and to transcode that desired signal, which may contain several programs, into an ASI stream for further multiplexing. Similarly, it can be used with the company's QAM modulator (Model AQM) to add a multi-program digital over-the-air broadcast to the cable lineup in a single QAM digital channel.

It supports 8-VSB and ITU-B QAM 64 & 256 in a die-cast chassis, demodulates and transcodes HDTV/SDTV digital signals to ASI, allows for deployment of 12 units in 2RU, has on-site firmware updates available through front-panel, and a front-panel LED displays actual SNR and baud rate. It is expected to be available in August.

Vecima to Demo Hospitality Gateway

Vecima Networks ( will be featuring a live demonstration of its new Concierge Gateway at the upcoming HITEC show 2010 in Orlando, Fla., from June 21-24. The Concierge IP-to-QAM Gateway is a high density, IP-to-QAM converter compatible with satellite, cable and IPTV operators and is designed for free-to-guest (FTG) and VOD services. It is intended for hotels, resorts, hospitals, assisted living residences, and universities requiring a cost effective solution for providing HD channels over a standard RF coaxial distribution network.

It's designed to de-encapsulate up to 1 GbE of input, decrypt multiple MPEG streams and encrypt each program stream with Pro:Idiom. Program streams are modulated onto 12 QAM channels at the output, capable of delivering up to 48 HD programs in a single rack unit. The solution is designed to allow system integrators to decrease capex and opex by reducing the cost per HD stream and eliminate the need for set-top-boxes in guest rooms.

Cheetah Intros Digital Video Monitoring

Cheetah Technologies ( has launched its V-Factor Stream Probe Advanced with “Intelligent Decode” for digital video monitoring.

The “Intelligent Decode” feature is designed to measure the quality of encoded video as it leaves the headend by providing measurements for blockiness, blackout, frozen video and jerkiness that accurately match human observation. The feature allows monitoring up to 30-120 HD MPEG-2 video channels post-encoder in a 1RU to 2RU platform with objective and repeatable results. Stream Probe Advanced (SPa) combines the ability to detect visual errors with MPEG and IP analysis.

Jeremy Bennington, vice president and general manager of Cheetah V-Factor, said, “’Intelligent Decode’ builds on more than 10 years of V-Factor technology and human vision research to enable the operator to see what the subscriber sees, and to proactively correct errors as quickly as possible.”

Trilithic Debuts Optical Leakage Kits

Trilithic ( has introduced the TFS-FS1K500 series optical leakage detection kits. Each kit includes the TFS-FS1 optical leakage detector with wideband IR filter (1,280-1,620 nm), TFS-TSA aerial lens and scope kit, and a choice of either a TFS-201 optical light source or TFS-290 series optical tracer source.

The TFS-FS1 detector is designed to pinpoint energy leaks from splices, connectors, breakage or bending and can identify fibers at a fiber length of 186 miles. It notifies the user of a leak both visually and audibly. It can also be used for fiber identification in both long-distance and local testing.

The TFS-201 light source allows simultaneous operation of both outputs or individual operation with CW, 30 Hz, 500 Hz, or 2 kHz modulation for use with leak detectors or fiber identifiers. It operates at 1,310 nm or 1,550 nm with ST, SC and FC adapters.

The TFS-290 tracer source provides the specific tone-modulated light output required by the TFS-FS1 and some fiber identifiers. It features a either a +5 dBm or +15 dBm modulated output at 2 kHz.

Clearfield Launches Small Count Fiber Panel

Clearfield's ( FieldSmart Small Count Delivery (SCD) rack mount panel is designed to allow service providers to pick and choose from either the Clearview xPAK or the scalable Clearview Cassette for fiber connectivity.

"Some of today's latest fiber applications call for landing only a few fibers at a time," said Cheri Beranek, president and CEO of Clearfield. "Utilizing a fixed panel or wall-mount enclosure designed for a typical telco installation is cost prohibitive in these environments, yet the integrity of these fibers is just as important."

The FieldSmart SCD panel can scale from two to 24 ports of fiber connectivity in a 1RU footprint and can upgrade from an xPAK device to a traditional Clearview Cassette when take-rates or density demands dictate. It has a mounting plate that can be used in either a 19- or 23-inch environment.

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