According to a new study by Viacom, tablet devices have emerged as the leading second-screen alternative to the TV set for viewing full-length TV episodes, ahead of computers. Out of total time spent watching full-length TV shows, 15% of viewing occurs on tablets.Since tablets came into play, full-length TV show viewing on desktop computers and smartphones has declined the most. MSO app users, Netflix users, Apple TV owners, AirPlay users and Whispersync users are very aggressive tablet users.
- Among tablet owners who subscribe to a cable company that offers streaming apps, about half report downloading the app. These MSO app users spend 20% more time on their tablet than non-MSO app users.
- 24% of Airplay users watch full-length TV shows on their tablets, as do 22% of MSO app users and 19% of Netflix users.
- 35% of AirPlay users and 34% of Whispersync users say they watch more TV on their tablets because of these apps.
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