The SCTE has begun development of several new video standards and is revising an older one on voice codecs.SCTE 24-22-201x, "iLBCv2.0 Speech Codec Specification for Voice over IP Applications in Cable Telephony," is a revision of ANSI/SCTE 24-22-2007 and contains the description of an algorithm for coding of speech signals sampled at 8 kHz. Some of the applications for which this coder is suitable are real time communications such as telephony and videoconferencing, streaming audio, archival, and messaging.SCTE DVS 976-1-201x, "MPEG-4 HE-AAC - Part 1: MPEG-4 Coding Constraints for Cable Television," is a new standard that defines the coding constraints on MPEG-4 HE Advanced Audio Codec v2 audio compression for cable.SCTE DVS 976-2-201x, "MPEG-4 HE-AAC - Part 2: MPEG-4 Transport Specification for Cable Television," is a new standard that describes the carriage of MPEG-4 HE AAC v2, MPEG-4 HE AAC and MPEG-4 AAC audio in MPEG-2 Transport Streams for cable.DVS 1094-1-201x, "DTS-HD AUDIO SYSTEM - Part 1: MPEG-2 Coding Constraints for Cable Television," is a new standard that describes the normative reference and coding constraints of the DTS-HD audio system.DVS 1094-2-201x, "DTS-HD AUDIO SYSTEM - Part 2: MPEG-2 Transport Specification for Cable Television," is a new standard that describes the carriage of DTS-HD audio in MPEG-2 systems. It also defines the descriptors necessary to signal DTS-HD audio.
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