Tim Hermes, BTR Founder and Publisher
To Peggy Ballard and Edward Perez:
Dear Peggy and Edward,
Thank you. You both helped change my life.
It was around this time in 2004 that I took the biggest leap of faith in my career, and that was to leave Communications Technology magazine and launch Broadband Technology Report. At that time, CT was a giant, with hundred-plus page issues, a huge roster of readers and vendors, and a sterling editorial team. To leave such a strong brand was, well, terrifying. However, I believed in this little idea I had - a regular online media property that would provide a concise "snapshot" of broadband technology in email format in a time when bundled service offerings were completely changing the dynamic. I had a much grander vision, but knew it was important to start in smaller manageable steps.
But this blog story isn't about me or BTR; it's about you two. And the other friends in this industry who made the jump with me. People like Stephanie Beck, Joe Cumello, Matt Pitchford, and Karalee Slayton. You all "bought in" in the first year - and helped keep the lights on. I am sure I've forgotten a few names/companies in the ensuing years.
Peggy and Ed, you two were the very first people to agree to sponsor BTR's launch as advertisers (and agreed to be billed upfront!) You helped me get that little idea from paper to reality. Your trust helped me have the confidence to approach other vendors to say, "Hey, these guys are in ... you should be, too!" After all, there was no real product to present at the time. Just an eight-page PowerPoint presentation, and what was maybe a pretty cool idea. I've been in sales my entire career, but I can tell you that your two signatures on my shiny new BTR media contracts were the two sweetest sales I've ever made. I've certainly had bigger contracts, but those two documents portrayed the trust, confidence, and support I really needed to bring BTR to the next step.
Peggy and Edward, thank you.
In 2011, PennWell saw the value of the BTR brand that your trust had helped me create, and acquired the brand and its assets. Since then, things have steamrolled, with more brand extensions and media ideas now entrenched in the marketplace. And with the sale of BTR - lucky me - the American dream was fulfilled.
So we fast forward. It's 2014. BTR has 20,000+ readers. We offer an astounding array of information to our audience - newsletters, alerts, videos, events, blogs, white papers, executive interviews, eBooks, Google Hangouts, trade show publications, video show dailies ... a list of products that truly enhances our marketplace. Delivers actionable information to our readers. Helps shape buying behavior. And helps move our industry along. This all started - all of it - with the trust you put in me and in the BTR idea. Trust and support like this seems to be endemic in the broadband industry - trust, faith in new ideas, and the willingness to "dive in." Maybe it's a simple reflection of the original "cowboy" spirit of cable - that just because something doesn't exist doesn't mean it shouldn't. That it's an open market where all are welcome to compete and encouraged to thrive. I'm sure the guys who strung the first cable in the 1940s didn't have a really strong business plan either, right?
Peggy and Edward - and all of my other friends who helped me in 2004 - thank you.
I truly hope I am writing a similar blog in 2024.
Tim Hermes is BTR's Founder and Publisher. Reach him at [email protected].