AFL Wrapping Tube Cable with Spider Web Ribbon

March 3, 2017
A new ultra-density fiber-optic cable technology, Wrapping Tube Cable (WTC) is made possible by the introduction of Fujikura's Spider Web Ribbon (SWR). SWR enables a significant reduction in cable diameter because the ribbon can be bunched and collapsed, which enables it to be packed tightly into an ultra-high density cable.
A new ultra-density fiber-optic cable technology, Wrapping Tube Cable (WTC) is made possible by the introduction of Fujikura's Spider Web Ribbon (SWR). SWR enables a significant reduction in cable diameter because the ribbon can be bunched and collapsed, which enables it to be packed tightly into an ultra-high density cable. The WTC is available from 144 fibers up to a maximum of 1,728 fiber cables. In the near future, a 3,456-fiber cable design will be available.

This innovative cable technology offers cable diameter reductions on average of 35% and cable weight reductions on average of 50% when compared to similar fiber counts of conventional loose tube or flat ribbon cables. This smaller diameter and lower weight leads to lower installation cost and more efficient use of both aerial and underground installation rights-of-way.

Judge's comment: "The Wrapping Tube Cable's value proposition lies in both what it doesn't change and what it does change. It doesn't change the tools or techniques with which technicians are familiar for installing and splicing optical fiber. It does change the potential for frustration from users who typically must choose between loose-fiber or ribbon-fiber cable constructions. The resin bond that enables the collapsible ribbon is a key innovation in the optical-fiber cable industry, which others already are trying to emulate."

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