VIAVI’s FTH-9000 Adaptive Fiber Test Head combines high-resolution optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) and optical-switch technology to provide remote test certification of fiber under test during construction or service activation, and continuous assurance through OTDR monitoring of multiple fibers anywhere in the network. A single FTH-9000 can test over 4000 fibers. There are many internal and external switch options and the distance tested depends on the OTDR module selected. Users can choose from such OTDR options as CWDM, tunable DWDM, DTSS, and DTS. This adaptive, racked fiber test head is ideal for access PON or Distributed Access Architecture networks as well as metro rings, data center interconnects, and long-haul networks utilizing xWDM wavelength plans.
Judge’s Comment: “This comprehensive technology is a valuable utility for any network builder, enabling both rollout and maintenance.”
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